In the world of fashion ecommerce, innovation isn't just about staying ahead of the trends — it's about reinventing the shopping experience. In this case study, you’ll discover how a pioneering fashion brand transformed its online strategy not by changing what they sell, but changing how they sell it. Leveraging the power of Try Before You Buy, this brand didn't just boost conversions; it redefined customer engagement. Keep reading to learn how the right mix of tech and trust can revolutionize the ecomm experience.
Key info about the store
Boosting CVR with Try Before You Buy
October 8th, 2023 marked the beginning of a groundbreaking 33-day experiment for this store. With our help, it embarked on an A/B test that split its audience into two equally sized groups, Group A and Group B. Each group experienced a total of around 30,000 sessions.
While Group A continued with the standard store setup, Group B embarked on a novel path by integrating a Try Before You Buy (TBYB) feature via Tryon.
This feature wasn't just an add-on; it was a strategic enhancement. Positioned prominently next to the "Add to cart" button on all product pages, the “Try before you buy” button invited customers to see for themselves — and broadcasted the brand's confidence in its products.
Striking results show the power of trust
The conclusion of the testing revealed impressive results:
Conversion revolution: Group B, which leveraged the TBYB feature, experienced a 10.7% higher CVR than Group A.
Session optimization: There was a sizeable 10.3% increase in per session value (PSV) in the TBYB group compared to its counterpart.
Revenue boost: Total revenue for the TBYB group surged by 10.3% compared to Group A.
Ripple effect: Interestingly, there was a general increase in orders across the board. This suggests that the mere presence of the TBYB option enhanced the brand's credibility and trust, influencing even those customers who didn't opt for the free trial.
TBYB: a strategy that pays off
Integrating Tryon was a KPI game-changer for this store. But beyond just the numbers, the strategy underscored the impact of trust in ecommerce.
Offering a free trial sent a clear message to customers: this brand believes so strongly in its products that it's willing to let you try before buying. This gesture of confidence resonates deeply with customers. In addition to all the quickly quantifiable benefits it brings, it may result in longer-term wins such as improved customer retention, increased lifetime value, and positive brand reputation.
Get Tryon today
Work in ecommerce? Then what are you waiting for! Give Tryon a try for free for 30 days, or book a meeting to find out how Tryon can reinvigorate your retail strategy today.